Once upon a time there was a little girl with fair curly hair who loved many things. She loved her sisters, though not every minute. She loved her parents, though she couldn't quite obey them all the time. She loved animals, and they had a lot of them, chickens, cows, rabbits, goats and dogs, but no kitty cats. She loved the out doors and to run. She loved to go fishing and to sit in her Daddy's lap. She love to go to the fair and eat strawberries in the spring, to go swimming and eat cold watermelon in the summer, to roll in piles of leaves in fall and open Christmas presents in winter. Of all the things that this little girl loved , more than anything else she loved babies. She dreamed of the day when she would have one of her very own, actually she wanted four.
(p.s. the one in the front is me, my hair got curlier later, Donna is in back and the beautiful princess is Mama)
As her hair grew darker this little girls grew taller until one day she was taller than her mother. Upon closer inspection she realized that her height was not the only thing that had changed and that she really was a woman. Since she was now all grown up she got married and before long she held in her hands a real live baby boy that was hers to keep. That's when she found out that her heart too had grown, otherwise it could not have held all the love that she had for her son.

As the son grew so did his hair. It was not curly like hers but thin and straight. It was so thin that the girl thought that the best thing to do would be to let it grow to all one length so that the hair would look thick, that all the hairs would stand side by side and create an army of blonde soldiers. Instead it looked more like bits of string hanging. A wise woman told her something, that to this little Mama sounded very not quite right, she said "Cut it".
This is Ians first haircut and the wise woman was right. He looked better with a little "shaping".

I guess you figured out by now that the little girl that loved babies was me. I told that you story to say that what the wise woman said back then is still true. If you have thin hair it is best to cut it. Mine was starting to look like a possum that lost a fight with a hedge trimmer, so I have had a haircut myself. I don't look as cute as Ian did but you cannot see my pink little noggin unless you really look. I told my Daddy that if I have to cut it shorter that would be okay because then I would look just like him, which is something the little girl with curly hair always wanted.
Hey Debbie,
Nice story! You're a good writer and make me want to see what's coming next. Though, what's coming next will probably always be a surprise. That's fun! You look great in the picture! I'm glad to see you smiling. Hope to see you soon and walk up the hill.
Thanks John, don't forget your chainsaw when you come.
I hope your hair stays like it is so you don't end up looking like me.
I love you!
You are right that your beautiful mama looks like a princess. Maybe you can one day grow you hair to look like hers.
I still love you!
Hey Sis,
Cute do! Funny that it looks a lot like the one you had when you were cutting Ian's hair. Now it's just a different color.
Harry wanted to know if we were headed your way because of your "Ya comin" blog. He reads it but hasn't left comments. He sends you his best and prays for you often.
Love you,
It was good to see you at church on
Sunday. My family and I are continuing to pray for you.
Allison looks just like your mom, at least in that picture!
(I removed the post above because I forgot to sign my name!)
Oh man, I thought my baby pictures were safe, but here they are on the internets!
Glad you could come over last night - we had lots of fun!
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