Yesterday I went to the doc's for blood work. It is the halfway mark between treatments, the day when blood counts will be at their lowest. The results are pretty immediate which surprised me. I was standing beside the nurse when out printed a page with all my "test scores" from every time they had said "There is going to be a little prick." It seems there really is a "permanent record." She looked at me and started speaking. What she actually said was, " All your counts are within the normal range so there is no problem with continuing with are schedule. I'll see you back here on the 23 for your next course of treatment." What I heard was, " Woman! Stop acting sick, 'cause you're not. Stop watchin' Oprah and eatin' bon-bons. Git up off that couch. I hear the toilets in your house need cleanin'. Now git up and git to work you lazy thang."
The treatment center is next to the hospital so I took the results to show Michael. ( For those of you who don't know, Michael works at Mission Hospital in Radiation Oncology.) As I was walking in I saw one of the oncologist that he works with. I explained what I had heard the nurse say, all about working and stuff. He said, "Oh no that will never do." , snatched out his prescription pad and wrote this 'script:

Last night Michael cleaned the bathroom and was happy.
LOL! That's a hilarious prescription! So glad to hear your counts are normal!!
Where can I get a prescription like that? I'm so happy to hear how well you're doing!
I knew you could DANCE in the rain...and SING, too! God IS good and you ARE special.
Hey you go girl.. We are your cheering section and we are so excited about your great reports. Don't do too much You still need to take care of yourself...just have plenty of energy enough to PARTY. We will need to DANCE and CELEBRATE
What wonderful news!!
I would hold on to that prescription - it has
Love you!
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