Let’s see now. Where shall I begin? Okay, I think I’ll tell you about the beginning, race through the middle then slow down again near what is the end so far. Let’s see how that works.
Trevor and I headed to Florida to visit Mama and Daddy plus both my sisters for what has become an annual spring sojourn. Somehow I just have to be in Keystone Heights at that time of year. Trevor drove a lot of the way and he didn’t even scare me….much. Danita knew that I wanted to go to the beach so, she and (her) Michael got us all a room on the beach at Jekkyll Island, Georgia. The idea was great, killed two birds with one stone. Got to the beach and didn’t have to drive all the way in one day. Who knew a cold front was coming. I sure was glad that I grabbed a flannel shirt.
Our room was right on the beach with a great view of whitecaps and sea oats blown over by the wind.
We ate at a seafood place right on the water. It only had seating outside, but we were warmed with the excitement of seeing each other again, the sun was still up and the hostess said we could light the gas heater and move it near out table, so we stayed. After we ordered we asked someone to light he heater, only it wouldn’t, it was out of gas. Ooops. Michael got a picnic blanket out of the trunk and chivalrously gave it to Danita and me. We wrapped our legs and scooched closer together.
Laughing, talking and ever on the lookout for some other way to get warmer we noticed, on a cart nearby, a bunch of candles, kinda barrel shaped like one sees on patio tables. Again, Michael, ever at the ready to aide damsels in distress, gathered up a bunch of them and put them on the table. The waitress brought a lighter and soon we were warming up over our own personal heaters. As the sun dropped so did the temp. Then suddenly our food came out and we forgot everything except the taste of fresh steamed crab. Mmmmmm. To top it all off, on the way back to the hotel, we got ice cream!

Next day Danita and I went one way and the boys (Trevor and Danita’s Michael) went another. Funny thing was we kept being at the same place at the same time, same restaurant, same gas station, it was weird. Finally they headed to the Clay County Fair and Danita and I headed to Mama’s. Daddy was in Idaho for a few days. She had steak for us for dinner. What a great Mama.

I really did walk right back into the door through which I have gone in and out my whole life,sometimes slamming it,and spent the rest of the week doing all the things I’d wanted to do, reliving old memories and making more. The time was full of laughing and eating, kayaking, raking under the oaks, weeding flower beds, walking, watching Jeopardy, visiting Mrs. Bailey, working on a jigsaw puzzle, playing cribbage, going to church, getting a massage from my sister Donna,washing dishes side by side and much more. All with my wonderful family. I am a very rich woman.