Friday, April 18, 2008


I had my last chemo today!!!!

I have more to tell but for now, thanks for everything. More on that later too.


New Farmer said...

I did keep my eyes opened while driving and praying,
good thing right. Hope you are not feeling to tired.
Love you, Bailey

Trisha said...

Hallelujah!!!! Isaiah 43:1-3 proven once again! You passed through the river and were not swept away and you walked through the fire without being burned! (Okay, maybe you feel a bit beat up, but God is going to carry you through that too!) I love you all, Trisha in Mobile

Michael said...

Yeah!!!! Hooray!!!!! Yes, yes, yes. Hip Hip ........ Hooray!! Cheer Cheer Cheer!!! Go Gators!! (no wait, that's ...)
Hey! Let's go get a Big Mac and a Chocolate Shake and hang out at the mall .... dude!!! OK, now I'm just rambling.

I love you Debbi (and you Michael, and Trevor, and Whitney, and Allie, and Catface, and Einstein).

Uncle Michael