Trevor and I spent the better(?) part of yesterday, March 4th, my birthday, in the Sister of Mercy Urgent Care Center. It really was better than you might think. I was so thankful that I have a wonderful son, that we live in an age and in an area where we can get medical help, we were only there for re-hydration and not something more serious, also we have insurance.
Because Trevor and I were gone for the day it gave Whitney and Allison some time alone. I had presents and cards to open when I got home, all of which made me smile. Thanks. Later we scavenged the house looking for things that Whitney could use in her apartment in Mobile. We didn't find much due to the fact that I have been excavating and eliminating every thing that I have tripped over in the last year.Then we ate supper that someone brought us. (Trevor and Allison had broth and applesauce) Michael brought flowers which I can smell VERY well. (chemo enhances your olfactory sense) After supper we piled up (Michael, Whitney, Hillary and I on one couch, Allison and Trevor in their own germy seats) and watched "No Reservations" All in all, the day was good and I am thankful for 50 years. I am 53 years old but there were a few years I could have done without. Looking forward to being 54 and then some.

I wanted a puppy for my birthday. What I got was Trevor, sick as a dog.

Well Debbi, you wanted a special birthday, and boy did you get one. I'm glad everyone is doing well and Trevor survived thanks to Sisters of Mercy. Yes, Trevor and I have both had good times there together at the Sisters of Mercy - great memories!!
Cool pictures of you guys at the clinic - it looks like some type of sci-fi movie ... oh, wait ...
COMING SOON!! To a Theatre Near You
To you he is just an ordinary teenage son, but ...
OK, that was funnier in my head than it ended up being on paper.
Everyone get well!
Love you all,
Uncle Michael
How cool that you can have such a not so good birthday and still be grateful for all the good things. As we discussed it's good to know who superintends our days. Keep laughing and you can write it down in "A Day in the Life...." Does that bring back memories?
My love to you and yours,
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