Now, back to the phone call. Susan is a good talker so once the hey's were over she held the floor for about 30 minutes when she said, " Now I'm gone tell you why I called." I guessed that she wanted to talk about Allison since she was going to be working for her this summer. I was wrong. Here's what she said, " Me and Joe think you and Michael need to step away for awhile so I want you to find some place to go and we're gonna pay for it. I was completely shocked. It's a good that I was lying down when she said it.
Michael and I got busy finding someplace to go. We wanted to go to a place where we could rest and also see a bit of God's creativeness that we had not seen before. We found it and have just come home from a week on the coast of Maine. Oh my good golly Miss Molly!! It was beautiful. There is too much to tell. I'll have to show you a few pictures.
Here is a summation of the whole thing. God's love is extravagant.